Content & Community

Newsbriefs is the simplest way to stay informed.

Fast jeder konsumiert Nachrichten in den sozialen Medien. Diese Netzwerke sind zu Plattformen für die Verbreitung von Fehlinformationen und Hass geworden. Newsbrief ist eine Social News App, die journalistischen Content direkt zu den Nutzer:innen bringt. Die App nutzt dabei einfache Nachrichtenformate und von Journalist:innen geführte Diskussionen.

Über Newsbriefs

What does your product or cooperation opportunity offer in concrete detail?
Newsbriefs provides media houses the opportunity to reach audiences who do not have the time to read long form articles but want to stay informed.

Who exactly is your product or cooperation opportunity suitable for or aimed at?
1) Summary of the articles from media houses can be presented in the app with a link to the original article.
2) Long form articles can be converted to audio and presented to the users

What are the benefits of your product or collaboration opportunity?
1) Exposure to new audience
2) New revenue creation streams

Are there certain requirements to be able to work with your product or to cooperate with you?
Media houses can provide us the summary and audio of the articles which can be added directly to the app or they can use our service of summarisation and audio creation to present their content in our app.

Briefly describe your vision here.
We want build the simplest way to stay informed.

💬 Contact by mail

Hari Prasad
Co-Founder of Newsbriefs

Contact by mail


Aman Goel, Krishna Prasad, Hari Prasad


Media Startup Fellowship, #10




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