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#MasalaImages #InclusiveStockMedia #Underrepresented

Masala Images – Inclusive Stock Media 

Masala Images is a media database that allows you to find carefully selected images to create communication materials that appropriately and authentically portray your company.

How does your concept help media companies achieve more diversity?
We provide access to a curated media database containing images of ethnically diverse people free from stereotypes. For more diversity in the German advertising and communication landscape.

Which requirements does a media company need to meet to get involved in your solution?
All you need to do is login and select your favorite images.

Here’s how it works in practice:
The media database is sorted into main categories which can be filtered in or out. It contains both free and paid content. Depending on the medium and provider, you can either download content on our platform or an external website (e.g. iStock).

Screenshots of the solution

Download for free and use now:

Complete the form to receive access to a folder containing access to information (e.g. application examples, how-to’s, login information, etc.).

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