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Diversal Analytics 

Diversal Analytics shines the spotlight on how diverse online journalism really is. Our AI technology analyzes information on the people mentioned or described on your portal and determines the percentages for the gender, age and people of color represented.

How does your concept help media companies achieve more diversity?
The same applies to diversity in journalism: If you can’t measure it, you can’t change it! We enable media companies to objectively monitor how things currently stand with regard to increasing diversity in reporting at their company. This puts us in the position to provide the foundation for discussions, decisions and discourse to enact the urgently required changes.

Which requirements does a media company need to meet to get involved in your solution?
Companies need to complete a brief registration form on our website to gain access to analyses for a portal—we’ll take care of the rest. If any of the content required for the analyses is behind a paywall, you’ll need to provide us with access. Thanks to support from the Open Innovation Challenge, we are now in the position to analyze up to 1,000 articles and images free of charge per portal. Get in touch if you want to include more articles!

Here’s how it works in practice:
Once you’ve registered using our form, we’ll start our evaluations and analyze your portal. For technical reasons, we can only provide an insightful analysis with a minimum of 600 articles.
Some application examples: Our algorithms scan texts to find mentioned people and retrieve this information for external data such as gender or age. If our algorithms encounter unknown people, we’ll guess their gender based on the grammatical structure of the text. Our image recognition technology is capable of determining whether a photo features BIPoC, for example, and obtains extra information from the image captions. As our algorithms first need to learn, editors can supplement the information with extra details on authors that we’re yet to pick up on.
You’ll receive access to your analyses within five days. Over the next six months, we’ll update your analyses on a monthly basis. Then your work begins: we recommend discussing the findings during editorial meetings, for example, and comparing the progress to the previous month.

Screenshots of the solution

Download for free and use now:

Complete the form to receive access to a folder containing access to information (e.g. application examples, how-to’s, login information, etc.).

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